FreeStyle Sessions

Important Information, Schedule & Registration

Important: ALL SKATERS must fill out our 2024 GPI FREESTYLE AGREEMENT in order to register for freestyle sessions.  Please allow 24 hours for processing.


Join our FREESTYLE CONTACT LIST to receive all figure skating communications including added sessions!  


Please note there are no refunds or credits on freestyle sessions.

View & Register for Freestyle Sessions

Saturdays 10am - Priority registration begins for all GPI skaters taking lessons from our staff coaches.  Skaters may register for ALL lesson and practice sessions for the coming week at this time.

Saturdays 12pm - General registration opens for all other skaters.   

Leveled Session Types

U.S. Figure Skating has recently implemented changes to the rules and pre-requisites for competition levels – what has been referred to in our industry as ‘Test De-Coupling.’ In response to these changes, The Rinks & Great Park Ice have adapted our Freestyle session standards to better reflect the competition pipeline structure and ensure we provide the safest and most productive training environment for our patrons. We have decided to update previous ‘level-session’ language to the NEW competition and testing standards in order to provide clarity and consistency.  Here are some industry-wide changes to keep in mind:

    • The ‘Freestyle Test’ is now called ‘Singles Test’ since it is in the ‘Singles’ discipline of skating (as opposed to Pairs, Ice Dance, etc).
    • The Singles (Freestyle) Test levels have been rebranded to:
      • Pre-Preliminary (No Change)
      • Preliminary (No Change)
      • Pre-Bronze (Formerly Pre-Juvenile)
      • Bronze (Formerly Juvenile)
      • Pre-Silver (Formerly Intermediate)
      • Silver (Formerly Novice)
      • Pre-Gold (Formerly Junior)
      • Gold (Formerly Senior)
    • The Singles Test will no longer solely determine the competition level of a skater.
      • The Singles Test will simply serve as a floor but not a ceiling, meaning you must pass the specific Singles Test to compete at that competition level, but you CAN compete lower than the Singles Test level passed. (E.G. Skater must pass Pre-Silver Singles Test to compete Intermediate ‘Well-Balanced’ (Standard) track, but can compete in Juvenile if they so choose.)
    • Furthermore, there are specific rules and additional stipulations in selecting your competition level, including your Excel Competition level, your prior Well-Balanced (Standard) competition level, your age, Compete USA Event rules, etc. For more information, please visit the U.S. Figure Skating Website

Open freestyles are freestyles that are open to any level and type of skater.  All skaters must follow all GPI Freestyle Policies & Rules. 

LTS practice passes are NOT valid on this session or any type of freestyle session.   

Hockey skaters are allowed in lesson only.  No additional gear beyond helmet and knee & elbow pads allowed.  

Skaters may not have passed any USFS Free Skate Tests.  Adult skates must not have passed Adult Silver Free Skate or higher.  

No double jumps, flying spins, or jump harness allowed.

Hockey skaters on basic skills sessions must be at the learn to skate level or in rec league (and not on club teams). No additional gear beyond helmet and knee & elbow pads allowed.  

Basic skills freestyles have a max of 50 skaters.  

  • Skaters may have passed a maximum test level of:
    • Pre-Preliminary Singles, Preliminary Skating Skills, Adult Silver Singles

  • Skating Skills Test - Standard Pre-Bronze (formerly Pre-Juvenile MIF)
  • And/or Skating Skills Test - Adult Gold
  • And/or competition protocol from Pre-Preliminary Singles, Well Balanced and above
  • And/or competition protocol from the following Excel Singles levels:
    • Preliminary Plus, Pre-Juvenile Plus, and above
    • NOT included are Preliminary Excel or Pre-Juvenile Excel

  • Skating Skills Test - Standard Bronze (formerly Juvenile MIF)
  • And/or Skating Skills Test - Adult Intermediate
  • And/or competition protocol from Preliminary Singles, Well Balanced and above
  • And/or competition protocol from the following Excel Singles levels:
    • Juvenile Plus, and above

  • Skating Skills Test - Standard Pre-Gold (formerly Junior MIF)
  • And/or competition protocol from Juvenile Singles, Well Balanced and above
  • And/or competition protocol from Adult Masters Junior-Senior Singles
  • And/or competition protocol from Excel Senior Singles

  • Competition protocol from Singles, Well Balanced with a completed Double Axel
    • Double Axel must be landed clean or q (1/4 rotation missing)
    • NOT included are under-rotations, downgrades, and/or falls when meeting the Double Axel requirement
  • No ice dance (partner or solo) or synchronized skating patterns (partner or solo)

  • Competition protocol from Singles, Well Balanced with 3 triple jumps completed
    • The 3 triple jumps must be landed clean or q (1/4 rotation missing) and on the same protocol (in the same program)
    • NOT included are wrong edges, under-rotations, downgrades, and/or falls when meeting the 3 triple jump requirement. Triples may be repeated.
  • No ice dance (partner or solo) or synchronized skating patterns (partner or solo)

Competition Protocol Requirements: For all levels, the competition protocol submitted must be from the past 12 months or less. If the protocol is from more than 12 months, the reason needs to be approved by the Skating Manager / Director.

Updated Requirements Effective September 1, 2023: Any skaters with current Freestyle Session tags for these leveled sessions will keep them and be allowed to attend these sessions, even if they do not meet the current and new requirements. The Skating Manager / Director reserves the right to assess skaters on a case-by-case basis if an extenuating or unique circumstance is presented.

In order to have you test level updated, please send your test records to so we can update the required pre-requisite on your account.


Prices below are effective January 1, 2024

  • 1 hour session - $18.50
  • 45 min session - $13.88
  • 30 min session - $9.25

10 Pack - 1 hour sessions

  • $177.50 ($17.75 per session)

25 Pack - 1 hour sessions

  • $425 ($17 per session)

50 Pack - 1 hour sessions

  • $812.50 ($16.25 per session)

75 Pack - 1 hour sessions

  • $1162.50 ($15.50 per session)

10 Pack - 45 min sessions

  • $133.20 ($13.32 per session)

25 Pack - 45 min sessions

  • $318.75 ($12.75 per session)

50 Pack - 45 min sessions

  • $609.50 ($12.19 per session)

75 Pack - 45 min sessions

  • $872.25 ($11.63 per session)

10 Pack - 30 min sessions

  • $88.80 ($8.88 per session)

25 Pack - 30 min sessions

  • $212.50 ($8.50 per session)

50 Pack - 30 min sessions

  • $406 ($8.12 per session)

75 Pack - 30 min sessions

  • $581.25 ($7.75 per session)


Passes can only be applied to the appropriate session length.  For example, you must have a 45 min to apply to a 45 min session.  

Please note there are no refunds or credits on freestyle packages.

Purchase Freestyle Packages

To purchase passes:

*Log in
*Click on "Memberships & Passes"
*Select "Add Passes" to your cart
*Check out

Note: Great Park Ice freestyle passes are only valid at Great Park Ice (and not The Rinks locations)

If multiple family members will be using passes, please purchase under the account holders name and then all family members can use passes.     

To apply passes:

*Select a freestyle sessions through our registration portal
*BEFORE you checkout when the session is in your shopping cart, click "Apply Pass"
*Check out

Freestyle Session Rules & Code of Conduct


  1. Skate safely and responsibly during all sessions.
  2. Choose the appropriate skating session for your skating abilities. Management reserves the right to remove a skater from a session if necessary or appropriate.
  3. Freestyle sessions are primarily for teaching and training and Public Sessions are for all guests, especially new skaters beginning to experience and learn the joy of skating.
  4. All skaters must always abide by (i) the right of way priority listing, set forth below in the Right of Way Protocol Rules 4 and 5, and (ii) the jump and spin zones safety map (shown in the diagram attached hereto), set forth below in the Right of Way Protocol Rule 8.
  5. It is strongly recommended that all skaters observe the conventional travel pattern set forth in the Right of Way Protocol Rules and Policies. If a skater diverts from the conventional travel pattern, they are responsible for avoiding accidents or collisions.
  6. All skaters (including coaches) must register, pay and sign-in for the appropriate session before entering the ice. Skaters and coaches must always wear their session sticker.
  7. Only approved coaches that have executed the Private Ice-Skating Coach Facility Use Agreement may provide direct coaching and instruction to skaters during Freestyle Sessions.
  8. No coach is permitted to organize or teach a group of more than 2 skaters on the ice or 3 skaters off the ice without the express permission from Management.
  9. Skaters may only communicate with their coach while on the ice surface. To avoid distracting other skaters and coaches, all other conversations must occur in the lobby or an equivalent off-ice area in the facility.
  10. The entrance to the ice surface must always be clear and no guest, parent, skater, or coach may block the entrance at any time.
  11. No skater is permitted to use an audio headset (headphones, earbuds, or anything that functions in a similar manner) while skating without express permission from Management.
  12. Coaches may use handheld music speakers for their students. Music played from a handheld speaker by a coach must be at a moderate volume that is not louder than the overhead speakers and does not disturb other skaters. 
  13. The order in which music may be played on the overhead speakers, as well as any other music-related rules are subject to the music policies of the specific rink.
  14. Lyrics of any song played in a manner to be heard by the public, either on the overhead speakers or a coach’s handheld speaker, must be appropriate for families and children. Management can require a song be turned off for inappropriate lyrics.
  15. No skater is permitted to use for either filming or watching purposes any video recorder or any other camera (including but not limited to smartphones with cameras and recorders, go-pro cameras, or other similar device) while skating without express permission from Management.
  16. Parents, coaches, and guests may record (both audio and/or visual) only the skater which they have accompanied to the facility. Recording any other person in the facility is strictly prohibited.
  17. Skaters may only review video footage of their routine in the lobby or an equivalent off-ice area in the facility.
  18. Except for children enrolled and actively participating in a skating program at the Facility, children must be accompanied by a responsible adult at all times.
  19. All skaters, coaches, and guest are required to comply with the Code of Conduct for The Rinks and Great Park Ice, USFS SkateSafe, US Center for SafeSport, and the Professional Skaters Association guidelines and rules at all times.
  20. Great Park Ice has a designated off ice warm up and exercise area.  Great Park Ice asks that these types of activities remain in the Rink 4 lobby at all times.  Rink 4 lobby is designated for this activity Monday through Friday from building open until 3pm, Saturdays from building open until 8am, and Sundays from building open until 2pm. Adjustments will be made for private rentals and facilities programming. All skaters and coaches are prohibited from participating in warm up exercises, working out, or using equipment outside of this area and its designated days/times.


Violation of the Freestyle and Public Session Rules and Polies rules may result in removal from the rink surface during a session, suspension from Freestyle and Public Sessions, or any other consequence Management deems appropriate for such violation.

Skaters on a waitlist for any Freestyle Session should not expect to be added to the session unless notified via email prior to the start of the session. If you have not received an email stating that you have been added from the waitlist, you are not permitted to take the ice for any reason, including scheduled lessons. Skaters not on the session loitering by the door will be asked to leave. ABSOLUTELY NO SKATERS WILL BE ADDED IN PERSON.

Any unregistered skaters will be billed for the session and asked to exit the ice immediately. A written warning will also be issued which may lead to a suspension of ice privileges. 


  1. Always skate in a safe, responsible and defensive manner, staying aware of your surroundings and other skaters at all times. All skaters skate at their own risk. 
  2. Remain aware that skaters of varying levels may be on the ice surface when you skate. In the event of a collision or accident with another skater, be courteous to those involved, check to make sure all skaters around you are alright, and report the incident immediately to Facility staff and/or management. If you or a guest requires emergency medical services, call 9-1-1 and immediately notify a Facility staff member. 
  3. The conventional flow of skating traffic is in a counterclockwise direction when skating on the outside perimeter of the ice (from the ice entrance, turn right to skate around the rink). Whenever not skating with the conventional traffic pattern, a skater and a skater's coach must be mindful as they are responsible for avoiding accidents or collisions with other skaters traveling in the conventional traffic pattern. 
  4. Always be aware and mindful of the flow of skate traffic when merging  from any direction. 
  5. RIGHT OF WAY PRIORITIES: Skaters must always accommodate their skate to avoid accidents ad collisions for the following scenarios (in order of priority) that are determined to have the right of way:
    1. Skater in the midst of a spin
    2. During the first 2 plays of a program song on the overhead speakers, a skater skating a program with overhead music
    3. Skater skating in the conventional flow of traffic when on the perimeter of the ice
  6. During a Public Session, a general public session skater, who is not training or taking lessons, always has the right of way priority.
  7. Skaters must be mindful of pole harness lessons, a the coach and skater have a more difficult time maneuvering quickly. Coaches working with pole harness skaters must follow the Right of Way Protocols & Rules 5 and 6 to avoid collisions or other accidents.
  8. Skaters should not "linger" or remain in designated jump and spin areas once their jump or spin has been completed (refer to map). Please move on as quickly as possible to allow other skaters the ability to jump or spin in the designated areas. 

Violation of The Right of Way Protocols and Rules, the Code of Conduct, the Freestyle and Public Session Rules and Policies or any other rules, regulations, or policies set forth by the Foundation may result in removal from the rink surface during a session, suspension from Freestyle and Public Sessions, or any other consequence Management deems appropriate for such violation. 



  1. No person is permitted to block the entrance gates to ice surface for any reason.
  2. Only approved coaches may coach and provide instruction directly to skaters. Parents, guardians, guests and spectators are not permitted to coach or otherwise instruct skaters from any area, including but not limited to, the rink entrance, bleachers or lobby area. Non-coaches must be respectful of the coaches’ role as instructor.
  3. Parents, guardians, guests and spectators are not permitted in the player’s box area unless otherwise designated during Public Session or during Learn To Skate.
  4. Parents, guardians, guests and spectators must view freestyle sessions from the bleacher or stands area or from the lobby area, as may be designated by Management.
  5. In accordance with the Code of Conduct, parents, guardians, guests and spectators must refrain from comments or actions that are disruptive, offensive, abusive, discriminatory or racist.
  6. Parents, guardians, coaches, spectators and guests may record (both audio and/or visual) only the skater which they have accompanied to the facility. Recording any other person in the facility is strictly prohibited.
  7. Parents, guardians, guests and spectators are to keep control of their emotions. When a stressful situation arises, we ask parents to please cooperate in our efforts to de-escalate as appropriate.

There is a maximum of 30 skaters allowed on the freestyle sessions except for the following times:

*Rink 2 has a max of 35 skaters (due to being an Olympic size surface)

*All basic skills freestyles have a maximum of 50 skaters

Hockey skaters will be allowed on freestyles only while in lessons (except for basic skills sessions).  (Hockey skaters may either take a lesson the entire session or get off the ice if not in lesson.)

Hockey skaters on basic skills sessions must be at the learn to skate level or in rec league (and not on club teams).  (This is similar to the policies we have for the figure skaters that cannot have passed their Pre Pre Free Skate.) 

Hockey skaters may wear helmet, knee, and elbow pads, but may not wear additional or full gear on freestyles. 

Hockey skaters looking for additional practice time may use public sessions or stick times. 

Music priority order:

Coach, Coach, Skater

  • Please write your name on the whiteboard in the scorekeepers area to put your music in line
  • Please wear the designated sash while your overhead music is playing
  • Absolutely no headphones or personal music devices may be used by skaters for everyone's safety

No refunds are available for any freestyle sessions once registered.  Credits are available only with 24 hours notice.  There are no exceptions to this policy including injury and illness.  To request a credit or transfer, please email at least 24 hours in advance.  

Rink Music System

Skaters can play their music via key tags on our rink music system.  Key tags are available for purchase at our front desk for $10 per tag.


More Information

For more information, contact:

Great Park Ice Figure Skating